Wednesday, April 4, 2007

August 06: The Goat-getting Was Good

Get_your_goat_063An array of goat experts and goat amateurs gathered last Saturday, August 12, at the Mountain Brook Dairy to learn the fine points of keeping goats for milk, meat, fiber and pleasure.

A journalist from the Republican American covered the event - though no one managed to get a copy of the story or I'd simply post it here. I'm guessing it went something like this: "Dateline Southbury. Here on the rocky hillside that goat farmer Liz Tapester, her husband, two children, and thirty odd goats call home, a quiet revolution is taking place. " And then it probably went into detail about the appeal of small farming to people of widely varied backgrounds and how compact, humane operations like the Mountain Brook Dairy offer healthy alternatives to the mindless, wasteful corporate treadmill that most of us are on. Something like that.

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